Some of the best Digital Marketing strategies.
Digital Marketing Strategy.
This year is just flying by, so before it passes us completely, we’re rounding up the best digital marketing strategies. What are the best digital marketing strategies and how might they be useful when it comes to marketing your brand? Let’s find out.
Get meta
Facebook remains one of the main digital channels available to advertisers.
Now belonging to the parent company Meta, along with Instagram and Whatsapp, Facebook is looking to explore new ways into the metaverse going forward. But just because the metaverse has a long way to go, that doesn’t mean it isn’t already here. In fact, with the rise of NFTs, the gaming industry and crypto, there are more ways than ever before for brands to get involved in the metaverse. To learn more about how your brand can thrive in the metaverse, see our in-depth blog post on the topic.
Use LinkedIn
To the surprise of many, LinkedIn has become one of the most influential (and potentially profitable) social media channels around. And if the recent rise of LinkedIn Influencers is anything to go by, the platform is only growing. Despite being created as a platform for networking, it has gained popularity across industries and shares a lot in common with Facebook in terms of its layout and content. While networking is a huge benefit of LinkedIn, the channel also provides brands and individuals with the perfect opportunity to build their brand/personal brand. To get the most out of LinkedIn by mastering the algorithm and reaching more of your target audience, consider engaging with as many relevant posts as possible. This means commenting meaningful, attention-grabbing insights that are backed up by your knowledge or experience. This will quickly show readers that you are an expert in your field and a brand that consumers will want to know more about.
Less is (usually) more
Nowadays, there are so many social media channels available. And with the right approach, most brands can find success on almost any platform. This means that advertisers are truly spoilt for choice. For some brands, having a presence across multiple social media platforms will be beneficial, providing them with more opportunities to reach their target audience. But for most brands, this can have a detrimental effect. With a limited amount of time and budget, brands that spread themselves across a large array of platforms will likely struggle to gain a proper footing in any one channel. That’s why we recommend that brands pick 1-2 channels to start off with. Only after getting to grips with how the platform can best showcase their brand, should they explore other channels as well. In the world of digital marketing, less usually is more, so getting more focused on your strategies can help your brand achieve more success on a platform in less time. After all, social channels are there to support and showcase your brand. Not the other way around.
If you’re looking to take your digital marketing game to the next level or are wondering how digital ads can work for your brand, get in touch with us at One Day Agency.
To learn more about Digital Marketing Strategy, get in contact today.